Lead the charge in life-long healing with our online DNP program

We know what you’re thinking: Dr. Nurse has an oddly satisfying ring to it. But all kidding aside, 这个项目是为那些感觉被召唤到最高水平的护理实践的人保留的. And it means you will undoubtedly be a leader among your peers.

Credits 30
Cost Per Credit $870
100% Online

Our program is offered fully online to fit your lifestyle!

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Program Overview

Please note: this program is offered online through our sister campus at Concordia University Wisconsin.

Healthcare is always evolving, 我们真的需要像你这样有才能的人来推动这种改变. 护理实践博士课程培养学生在最高水平的实践中分析现有证据,并将系统思维作为组织变革管理和质量改进计划的基础,以改进实践, education, and patient care in various settings.

To accommodate the schedules of working professionals, 我们的DNP学位以包容性和支持性的班级策略为中心. The program can be completed in two years. Courses integrate elements to meet the 美国护理学院协会(AACN)高级护理实践博士教育要点. 学生在他们选择的领域完成实习时间,以发展和磨练领导能力和实践技能.

What to Expect

You'll graduate with the capacity to model scholarship, professionalism, and excellence in advanced nursing roles, while ensuring the use of advanced clinical judgment, systems thinking, 以及在专业领域或系统领导方面提供循证护理的问责制.

Program Highlights
  • 硕士后DNP计划认证高级执业护士或高级管理人员
  • Cohort model is inclusive and supportive
  • 以灵活的在线形式进行的速成课程使其成为工作专业人士易于管理的课程
  • GRE is not required for admission
  • Courses are built on a Christian foundation
  • Housed through our sister campus, Concordia University Wisconsin
  • Online

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